Melissa’s passion for working with individuals and families affected by Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia, became stronger after being a caregiver for her father. It was through this experience where she recognized the importance of knowing the individual’s unique needs. Melissa has “left her mark” in the previous settings she has worked by obtaining a grant to build a resident garden, implemented art shows/programs, developed various support groups, and has initiated many programs for individuals in the Early Stage of Alzheimer’s and Dementia that are now available for those living in the community.
Melissa has combined her years of clinical, program, dementia, caregiving, education, recreation therapy and “hands on” experience to develop Creative Caregiving Solutions Inc. where she utilizes her unique blend of skills to help those with Alzheimer’s and dementia, as well as their families live their best quality of life while remaining in their home. As a trained and certified therapeutic recreation specialist, she assesses the five domains of the individual (physical, cognitive, social, spiritual and emotional, as well as leisure needs), which allows for optimal functioning in their own familiar environment.
CTRS: Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist
CDP: Certified Dementia Practitioner
CADDCT: Certified Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia
Care Trainer
HHA: Home Health Aide
Professional Organizations:
NYSTRA (New York State Therapeutic Recreation Association)
NAIPC (National Aging In Place Council)
SUN Suffolk (Senior Umbrella Network of Suffolk)
Volunteer/Supporter for:
Alzheimer's Association, Long Island Chapter:
Member of the Yaphank Walk to End Alzheimer's Planning Committee and Team Captain for her team "Cardinals for the Cure"
ADRC (Alzheimer's Disease Resource Center):
Planning Chair for the 1st Annual Cashman Memorial Soccer Tournament in memory of Beverly Cashman
LIAF (Long Island Alzheimer's Foundation): Friend and Supporter of Whimsical Wednesday, a Memory Café
AFTD (Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration): Supporter of the Annual "With Love" Campaign
“I had a little trouble with my patient…she was very confused, so Melissa thought it would be a good idea to have a schedule and bedtime routine to follow. This was very helpful for me because it calmed her down where it was easier for me to care for her. Also, if I had any other problems I could ask Melissa and she would be right there to help.” — E.Z.